November 17, 2012


It has come to my attention that some of you are unfamiliar with our career status.  That is only natural, considering our very minimal correspondence on this (or any) issue.

Did you know that:

DSCN5451a)  We had a baby?  Yes--right at a year ago. He's kept me quite busy, and would be the number one reason that I haven't gotten around to letting you know that:

b)  We moved the woodworking business to the back-burner.

You may (or may not) have noticed that there has been no activity in the Poplar Head Woodworks neck of the woods.

Last December Tim was offered a job as an office manager, which he happily agreed to.  With the previously mentioned new baby, there was no time left over for woodworking.  Tim shut down the warehouse, moved his inventory home, and started his new job.

Tim worked at that job for 6 months before he felt it was time to move on.  And that's when:

c)  We started up a new business.  Tim has been enjoying learning about web design for years now, and has made several websites. In August he decided to put his experience and creative energy to work, and created Tim Tolleson Design.  We set up an office at our home, and have really enjoyed this new season of our life.  Tim is keeping very busy doing websites, logos, and other advertising design work.  He's built a sharp website of his own, where you can see some of his work. Click on over to

Thanks for your support of our first creative endeavor--Poplar Head Woodworks was a huge learning experience for us.  We still have inventory that we are eager to share with y'all.  Check out our etsy store or give us a call.

Also, we are excited to see where our new path with Tim Tolleson Design leads us!  If you have any design needs, Tim would love to help you out.  Look him up on Facebook, contact him through his website, or send him an email.

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